Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Living on a Budget

It's so hard to live on a budget. I've always lived paycheck to paycheck, but now that I'm unemployed I really have to watch what I spend. I have reduced down to generic brands (except toothpaste & shampoo), use coupons all the time, and have completely cut out shopping for clothes. I just went to Target today and totally used coupons! I will only be good for about 2-3 more weeks (it's been a week with no job now).
I've had a weird feeling because I don't have any work related stress; that's the good part. All I did last week was dance (Tuesday-Friday). There was a ballet folklorico workshop I attended; it was a great workout! The best part was that it was so much fun. I compared myself to the other girls who were there. They would complain about being tired and when they danced they weren't that into it. I remembered what they felt because I used to feel that way. I felt different because I felt like I had given up a lot to be able to attend the dance workshop that week. I gave up the security of getting a regular paycheck. It's a very scary feeling.

At this moment I feel like there are endless possibilities and I'm trying to explore them as fast as possible. Finances keep me from exploring my possibilities for a longer time period. It must be nice to have the kind of time you want. Unfortunately my parents can not help me out financially. They can only help me by not charging me rent and feeding me (most of the time), which I greatly appreciate. I guess I didn't fully realize everything I would be giving up.

I haven't hung out with my friends as much because I can't spend too much money. Most of the times I hang out with friends I end up spending some money, whether it's going out for lunch/dinner, a movie, the county fair, etc. There goes my social life! I also worry about having enough money for my best friend's wedding, considering I'm the maid of honor (turns out there are quite a few expenses that come along with the title). I know my boyfriend is happy about the not going out and spending money because he would rather just stay in and watch a movie to avoid spending money. I guess I didn't realize how much money I used to spend until now that I don't have the money to spend anymore. I just think about how much money I could have right now if I wouldn't have spent it on stupid stuff like going out shopping for clothes or eating out all the time. I guess I might be turning into a hermit because I'm staying in a lot more now. Well, I can't lose the optimism. Gotta keep my hopes up because without hope I am left with nothing. I'm sure I'll get over this hump...eventually.

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